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Holiday Gift Ideas Under $50

I love working on gift guides for two primary reasons – one, because I get so many emails asking for gift ideas especially around this time of the year ( for different categories and relations – travel-loving bff, wellness-obsessed sister, fitness-freak office colleague and so on… you get the idea? ) Secondly, I love buying gifts,  so inevitably while shopping for something else or working on a gift guide, I snag a few things myself to keep in my “gifts-stash” and surprise those close to me, sometimes without any special occasion.

While shopping for gifts can be slightly easy when you know the person well who you are buying the gift for , one of the trickiest instances for buying a gift for me has always been a Yankee Swap or a Secret Santa between friends. We always have those going on at the office and invariably, there is a budget set to buy these gifts. You get brownie points for having the most popular gift and if you know me, I want the gift that everyone is vying for, to be the one that came from me! huh! No Pressure!

This time though, I found some under $50 and under $25 gifts from JCPenney that would make the perfect presents for these fun holiday games. For that matter, these will be darn cute stocking stuffers as well.

loveplayingdressup-jcpenny-holiday-giftguide-3A friend or colleague who is always late in the morning and rushing to get out of the door is sure to love this travel mug. And a little sparkle never hurt anyone!

loveplayingdressup-jcpenny-holiday-giftguide-2Diaries and planners are always such a good idea – you know everyone needs to start writing those new year resolutions pretty soon! *wink*

loveplayingdressup-jcpenny-holiday-giftguide-5This year, I think power blenders are going to be one of those foolproof gifts that you just wont go wrong with!  The mister and I are always whipping smoothies and trying new milkshakes – so I got one of these for our kitchen as well. With the under $25 price tag, they are a steal!

loveplayingdressup-jcpenny-holiday-giftguide-4I am all about Christmas themed items and these holiday mugs are going to make such great hostess gifts. Or even if you are hosting a dinner party, giving one to all your guests as favors, tied with a ribbon and a Christmas ornament is a special touch.


I have rounded some under $50 gifts available on that will be greatly loved and moreover bring the #JoyInGiving!   Happy shopping and Happy gifting – xo Neha

Thank You to JCPenney  for partnering on this post





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