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Thank You & Pregnancy so far

I am so overwhelmed by all the love and wishes I received from all of you on the our family is growing announcement! We have been reading each and every reply, comment, sms, email, DM from all of you and needless to say, I have had tears streaming down my eyes all the while.  Thank You SO much each and everyone of you  – it truly means the world to us.

I wanted to answer all the questions that you guys asked and instead of making it one big long post, let’s do a question-answer type of thing this time.

1) How come you decided to share the most personal aspect of your pregnancy journey?
Many of you asked this question and understandably so – because this is one of the most personal, deepest part of life’s journey that I chose to put out on the internet. I was very scared of sharing my story here because – 1) it has been very difficult and took me a long time to write down the post. I would get emotional every time I started writing about it ( hence the delayed post – almost 3 weeks after we did the announcement pictures!) 2) Aside from opening myself to technically everyone who has access to the internet ( and I am a very private person when it comes to personal matters, which is kind of an irony considering the blog/social media ), I was more worried about whether we wanted our friends/relatives to know because it does open the door for worrying our elders and also to judgment.

The post which was essentially a happy announcement, would have been incomplete if I didn’t share how we got there. Hence I decided ( and Amit encouraged me to do so – he told me one thing which made me hit “publish” – he said you aren’t sharing just a story, you are going to share your journey, if that feels right and important to you, do it! ) As I lived through the tough time last year, I was constantly trying to seek the answers for why was I chosen for this pain. ( not that I would EVER want anyone else to go through it) and the doctor kept telling us that it is more common than people know because not many choose to share that part of their lives. I was so surprised that once I posted yesterday – I heard from so many women that I have never even met, telling me about their pregnancy to motherhood journey. Hopefully, in some way it offered a way for someone to relate to and share what they might have gone through.

Now a lot of fun questions =))

2) Details of the dress you wore in the announcement shoot and Announcement shoot details 
It is an Adrianna Papell dress . It is non-maternity, I went up one size.

Will you believe me if I said that we converted my home-office into a studio room filled with atleast a 100 balloons and shot all the pictures using a tripod and clicker ? =))

3) When are you due?
We are due in September =))

4) Are you going to find out the gender of the baby ?
You bet we are !! and we already know!! I cant wait to share with all of you and the story of how we found out =)) Yayy!!

5) Are you having any cravings, aversions, sickness?
I did have morning sickness a tad bit in the 6-8 weeks period. As for cravings – I have been craving fruits like nobody’s business, especially plums. One evening Amit ate my plum that I saved for the night ( for in bed snacking ) and I got so upset that he went out at 10pm to get me a bag full. Poor guy – I guilt tripped him so bad =)) haha

The only aversion I’ve had is to the smell and taste of garlic, which is so odd considering almost all Indian dishes have garlic in them and I really love Indian food.

I am really addicted to tea, so toning the intake down has been my biggest challenge. And I really really love a good cup of Nespresso now more so than ever. So any intake of caffeine I do, I make sure it is a pretty darn good one =))

6) Will the blog change ?
To be honest, I don’t think there will be any drastic changes. The blog has been a diary of my moments since I started it and this new phase will be integrated into it along with the other aspects that I share.

7) Have you started working on a nursery?
You know me, guys! The pinterest board is filling up and I will soon start sharing ideas and the vision we have. Stay tuned…


Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for all the love –  xo Neha



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