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Love Playing Dressup Turns Three



Hello my lovely readers! I cant believe Love Playing Dressup turns three today. This video captures the journey and some of my favorite moments so far!

When I started this blog,  I dint know what blogging really entailed, what it meant or that could be anything more than a personal diary. But what I did know, was that I wanted to connect with the world. I wanted to share my story and listen to your’s. I have always loved playing dressup ever since I was a little girl – it was a world I escaped to  when I wasn’t confident about my body or wanted to pretend that I was Carrie Bradshaw in a tulle skirt taking over the city =))
Many a times, I get asked what Playing Dressup means or the reason behind the name of the blog of why I even started writing it.
To me – Playing Dressup isn’t just about wearing designer clothes or high heels – but it is a revolution – its fashion, art, lifestyle all in one! For every little girl playing dressup, it is a tool, a means to show the world who you are and what you aspire to be. To me  – it is always – always about being the best version of myself.
Love Playing Dressup was a dream, a vision and is now the fabric of my life.  Little did I know what it would transform into, the places it would take me and the people I would meet along the way. 
Being able to create content and share my life moments is an undeniably intoxicating feeling and I am so grateful to have you on this journey with me. 
So THANK YOU to each one of you for being so supportive of me and this page. For being a friend, a critic, a silent reader, for joining me on social media, for sending over questions, for giving ideas for future content, for the emails, for the constant love – it means the world to me! xo Neha



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