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A Big Secret and a Very Personal Story

There has been a big secret that I have been keeping from all of you and bursting at the seams to share !!

our family is growing…

We are over the moon and so grateful to God for blessing us. I cannot even begin to tell you how overwhelmed I am as I write this. My eyes well up every time I realize how lucky Amit and I are. It is taking me a lot of courage to finally be able to share this wonderful news with all of you, because it was a difficult path for us to get here. We had a tough last year – I miscarried in my first trimester and it was the end of the world. We had so much joy in our hearts but then everything came to a standstill. It tears my heart apart each time I think about it, and sharing that here on these pages requires all my strength. I don’t know how we would have survived those times if it wouldn’t have been the strength of my amazing husband – who showed me what being a true partner in life means. He was the one bringing smiles in our house when I was hurting unbearably (and I know he was hurting inside as much but stayed strong for us) There was a void in the house and there were times where I would stare in space for hours or wake up in the middle of the night crying, in those moments he held me quietly – giving me time, love and more importantly staying strong for both of us. He single-handedly carried us for months and taught me to stay strong and positive. It is the most excruciating pain we have known but our faith and love for each other helped us get through the times. Therefore being able to share this news with all of  you today gives us boundless happiness. There is so much gratitude and love in our hearts and we do not take this blessing for granted, even for a single moment.

Oh baby, we love you so much already!


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