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I cannot believe I am writing a DIY post because I might be the least DIY-type person you’ll ever know. This pom-pom garland is the simplest project you can undertake, all you need are the right supplies. Four to be precise – pom-poms, a thread, needle, scissors. That’s it!

I am turning my old home-office room into Zoe’s playroom and I want to make it colorful and fun. The curtains in the room were plain white and I dint want to buy new curtains, so I decided to add a little pop using a pom-pom garland.  My mom calls it role-reversal, because she used to do a lot of arts and crafts for me and here I am making something for my daughter’s room! I love how the garland goes so well with the polka-dot decals I have on the wall. Here are the polka-dot decals that I used in lieu of wallpaper , which were extremely simple to apply and need no technique or pattern.

For the pom-pom garland, you’ll need a bag of pom-poms. I used the 2-inch ones, but you can use different sized ones as well and mix-match small/big ones as well. Single colored ones, stick to a 2-3 colors or pick multiple ones – there’s really no rule. Here’s a bag with assorted sizes and colors.

The thread that I used was one that I already at home for gift-wrapping and that worked perfectly. Here’s the thread I used, also available here on Amazon.

The needle has to be one with a big eye so the thread can pass through it. I got it from a local arts-supplies store.

Once you have the thread in the needle, make a small knot. See the image below.  Now pass it through the center of the pom-pom.

Note : See how only one layer of the thread is going through the pom-pom. Ensure it goes through the center, else the garland will have the pom-poms hanging asymmetrically.

Once you are done with the length you need, make a loop at the end of the thread, such that it will go on the hook or the nail you want to tie it to.

And that’s it. Simple, easy and pretty cute! xx – Neha


Supplies for the DIY Pom-Pom Garland

 pom-poms, thread, needle, scissors



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