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Letter to my Daughter on my first Mother's Day

My sweetest, dearest Zoe –

It is my first Mother’s Day! Everyone has been asking me what are we going to do today, how is your addy going to make it special for mumma, what will Zoe give mumma, will I be spoiling myself by going for a massage or getting manicure done, will I be sleeping in late?

But you know what Zoe, I don’t want to go for a massage or get up late. I really really look forward to you waking us up in the morning and me bringing you in our bed so we can play and scream and make noises. So you can tap addy on his face while he tries to get a few minutes of extra sleep. I want to start today and everyday in the same way … with all the cuddles.

I don’t want your addy to give me anything special or make me breakfast this morning. What your addy does for your mumma, for us , everyday is in itself the most special thing. He treats mumma like it is mother’s day every single day. He doesn’t have to do something just today, because he there isn’t much that he doesn’t do everyday anyway.

And then there’s the question about what will Zoe give mumma. Zoe … you give me so much, each day, every day, every moment. Your smile, your laughter, your words fill every corner of our house and our lives with so much happiness. You raise your arms to me when you see me and squeal so loudly when you see me come down the stairs or through the door,  it makes my day. When you sleep in my arms, Zoe it makes me forget everything else. You have been giving me hope, courage, love, dreams since the day you came in our lives, in mumma’s belly. You are teaching me to be a mother.

But most of all, Zoe – you have taught me something that I never quite fully understood the meaning of. You have taught me to be grateful. There is no single minute of my life ever since you came into this world that I don’t feel gratitude. I have taken many things for granted in my life, but not anymore. You are my blessing, my gift, my baby… and I am forever grateful for you …my little girl. I love you so much.



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