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Rendezvous and Monthly Favorites - Edition 2



Happy Friday! Its been almost 10 days since I posted here. Infact, now that I see my Instagram feed, I realize I posted less than usual there as well. It just has been one of those busy periods where work at the office is over-the-top busy along with the other things that I am trying to catch up on – blog projects, prepping for baby. I am almost 35 weeks pregnant you guys!!!

We took the class at our hospital last week. If you follow me on Instastories, we had a pretty good laugh about how long the class was. Almost 2 full days! But seriously, it was so helpful. I cannot recommend enough taking one. Aside from the hospital tour, we learnt so many things that we had no clue about or hadn’t even thought about. My only reference for childbirth/delivery/baby prep thus far had been (ahem) TV shows (Rachel’s from Friends being the touchstone ..haha! ) So that tells you how helpful this class must have been =)) I also loved the relaxation techniques they taught us.

I still havent bought a new car after mine was totalled a little over a month ago. Have been driving a rental since then – we just aren’t finding the time to go car shopping right now. There are days when it just feels like everything is pending and then I am pure panic central. Having said that – meditation music, books and my journal are my daily retreats lately. Some of you asked me to share the meditation music and apps I’ve been using – more to come on that.

Here are a few things from around the web that I found pretty interesting :

Nordstrom Sale : Few days left and some really cool pieces are still available. This diptyque candle set, best time to get some chic over-the-knee boots and this “Press for Wine” Wall Art  is perfect for any wall in the house.

Some popular podcasts to listen to. My top favorites continue to be How I Built This and Serial.

Loved these tips to make your hair shinier.

The best faux leather tummy tucking leggings you’ll ever own are on sale! I have them for over three years and they are my favorite piece every fall/winter.

We are shooting for a few projects this weekend. There’s also a  new Bollywood movie that I want to see in the theatre – we might catch that on Sunday. Hope you have a fabulous weekend with whatever you have planned – xo Neha





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