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Frederiksborg Castle, Copenhagen


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You know when you make plans to go see something, have devoured images online and are waiting in happy anticipation to finally see that, in reality.  You think you know what to expect but are not prepared for what you are about to see and experience. Has that ever happened to you?





The Frederiksborg castle completely blew me away. When we went to Copenhagen last summer, it was one of the reasons ( or rather the primary one) for choosing to put the famously known happy city on our itinerary. I could barely sleep the night before we were to go to see the castle. That hasn’t happened to me since fourth grade picnic!

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Upon reaching the castle, you start seeing the silhouette of a stone structure slowly come to life. It sits on an island in the middle of a clear, sparkling lake. And then you see the sprawling, lush green, perfectly manicured baroque gardens. Tiny boats float in the lake and the view of the surroundings simply takes your breath away. It appears to be straight out of a fairy tale, which as a matter of fact, isn’t too far from the facts of history. Turns out, Hans Anderson, the father of fairy tales, whose fables we grew up reading like Thumbelina, Ugly Duckling, The Snow Queen grew up in Denmark.

The day we visited the castle – the sky was blue, like the color of cornflowers and with a slight tinge of gray. It didn’t rain but was an extremely windy day. Taking pictures was a challenge, because every picture we could okay had five counterpart pictures with my hair flying ( or shielding my face or in my mouth ) but it was easily one of the best times we had while taking pictures. You could hear the wind roar, yet the lake was perfectly still, witness the majestic castle housing the innumerable tales and experience an inexplicable calmness – it felt rather poetic or if I may, like the backdrop of a Bollywood movie. I could go on and on about how the mister sat patiently listening to me fantasize about how I could have been a princess locked away in one of the towers and weaving stories about the knight coming through the winding bridges to my rescue. But I dare you to go there and not get transported in that world yourself =)) xo – Neha



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