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I wont lie, today has been kind of low day. Taking down the Christmas decor, stripping the windows and outdoors of the lights and replacing the fireplace mantle with the usual clock is the not so exciting part about the holiday season. When Zoe realized all the decor was getting packed away – she rushed to the Santa mailbox ( decor thing) and started pulling out random things that she had stuffed in the mailbox which we had no idea about – crayons, socks, a PJ shirt along with the letters we had written to Santa. Hah! That innocence!

I cant even with this girl – that bent leg lol

that side profile pose though

How is it almost end of December already? Between the thanksgiving break and now – there has been a lot of work getting done, traveling, seeing friends, insane amount of desserts being consumed ( writing this post with my tea and a plate of anisette cookies next to me) , one too many wine and chill nights after the baby was in bed, dinner parties and bouts of cold and runny noses thanks to all the kids passing on the germs to each other in school.

But also there has been a certain calmness to the chaos, like everyone is kicking their feet up, relaxing, lots of smiles being passed around. So yeah, I am a little grumpy about the holiday season being over. As adults we are expected to take these transitions of seasons, from festivals to regular routines in our stride and just keep going. But sometimes it sucks, you just don’t want to push through another routine cycle and need a break. Here’s a confession – over the last few months, there have been times when I caught myself telling my daughter – I have been so busy all day and am tired now, don’t be difficult now. And then the next minute, I’ve felt guilty about it. It’s not her fault that her mom is busy and kids are kids! I am trying to stay in tune with myself, and pulling back when I am running too thin or just not feeling happy on the inside about something. That is why I have resumed running, that has always been such a therapy.

I have also started getting better at saying no to dinner invites when the calendar starts filling up weekend after weekend or  when I am hosting, I choose ordering over cooking for everyone( even though I enjoy cooking when hosting a lot ) . I am slowing accepting the areas where these small compromises open up the room for retaining a little more energy, being more alert and present, not snappy. It all boils down to the priorities.

About eight years ago, when we were backpacking in South America, Amit and I had a conversation about how we were rushing through the touristy points, instead of spending enough time at the spot we were in and just savoring those in. That was a huge shift in perspective for us for with how we travel now. And that is the same that applies to life as well. I am reminding myself to realize that the cleanest house, the fanciest meal, attending all events, accepting all blog related things,  meeting everyone might be possible but then I might be crashing earlier, not staying awake enough to enjoy the silly dances Zoe is performing for us.

And oh that problem of the social media mindless scrolling, I am really really getting better at that. In the craziness of work and raising a kid and doing every else, there is so little time, let social media be the last one who gets the little that us remaining. I am using that time to read, to learn, to call or text friends even when it’s not their birthday or anniversary. And using the time with my husband. You know I miss that guy and the fun we have together because life gets so mundane and conversations start revolving around chores – so I am constantly learning to getting those priorities  in order. I am nowhere good at it, but I am tired. And being conscious about it. And very proud about that, might I add.

With all that, we have a couple more days left in this year. Before life resumes its normalcy ( craziness rather), we are soaking in these slow days ( I am writing this as I bite into cookies that are left over from the Christmas party swearing to actually put that gym membership to use next year) That counts for something, right? =)) xo Neha



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