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Nap and Sleep Schedule at 6 months

This post is sponsored by Carter’s. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that I love. 

Zoe’s outfit : dress, headband, shoes

My top, jeans, white loafers

Room Decor details 

One of my most frequently asked questions is Zoe’s sleep schedule. She is now 6 months old, so I figured I’d share a bit about that and how we worked towards it.

But first, I wanted to share this adorable video created by one of my favorite baby clothing brands, Carter’s. It is such an endearing rendition of a baby’s journey, I bet it will take you on a reminiscing trip of your little one’s moments and milestones =)) Before getting pregnant, I had stepped in the store once! that too, to pick up something for a friend  since the store was in the same shopping complex as I was going to. And now, it is one of my most frequented website, I have signed up for the emails, I stop by the store atleast once a week – the whole deal. Last week I stopped by the store and picked up some spring baby clothes, soft onesies, the cutest watermelon swimsuit and lots of bibs ( we have started solid foods… and can never have enough bibs )

Now, lets dive into the schedule

7 AM : Nursing/Bottle.

8AM – 8.30AM : Nap

10AM : Bottle

11 – 11.30 AM( or 11.45 if we are lucky ) : Nap

12.30PM : Solid food

1PM : Bottle

2PM – 2.30 PM : Nap

4PM : Bottle

Between 4.30pm and 7pm : There is usually a small nap that she fights, but we try to have her nap atleast a bit. ( It is also around the time when both of us are home from work, so she is probably very stimulated at that time and doesn’t care for napping )

7:30PM :  Nursing/Bottle

8:30pm : Solid food

9.30pm : Nursing

Between 10-11pm : Bedtime

Now there are days, when this schedule is completely out of the door and she wakes up much earlier than her usual time, in which case, everything shifts. Or there are days when she might be having a growth spurt and refuses to nap during the day or is hungry before the usual meal time. If she wakes up earlier than 6am or in the middle of the night, then instead of feeding her (although it is tempting to do, because it is an almost sure shot way to get them to sleep ) – we try to calm her down and put her back to sleep. Otherwise most days, we try to maintain this schedule or atleast steer close to it.

The key to working on a sleep schedule is starting as early as possible. And ensuring your family, caretakers ( nanny/day-care/family member who might be helping out ) stick to it.

Few key points to help get on a schedule :

  • Track your baby’s eating and sleeping times and understanding a pattern. Once your get a hang of that, assign everything around it.
  • Not wavering much from bed time as everything else takes its lead
  • Realizing that baby’s cues come first – schedule and everything else is secondary.
  • Expect that the schedules that we work so hard on establishing will change with growth spurts, introduction to solids ( and other foods as they grow ), activity milestones ( rolling, sitting, crawling, etc. ).
  • The most important thing to understand is, every baby is different and so is their schedule.

I’d love to know what schedules look like with your babies. And ofcourse, let me know if you have any questions or what to discuss anything in detail. The mama-talks are my favorites. xo Neha



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